1-54 Art Fair London with L'Atelier 21 - Marrakech (upcoming)
Abu Dhabi Art Fair London with Tabari Artspace - Abu Dhabi (upcoming)
1-54 Art Fair with Revie Projects at DaDa - Marrakech
Jaal Residency Exhibition "Fibi, Lydia, et les autres" - Marrakech
Izza Group Show, curation Achraf Remok - Marrakech
Suite Amazigh by Frederic Morales - Dubai
Group Show "Pick Your Way" at Lee Bauwens Gallery - Bruxelles
Menart Art Fair with Suite Amazigh - Paris
1-54 Art Fair London with L'Atelier 21 - London
Portfolio presentation for Le Cercle de l'Art - Paris
Duo Show at Artybox by curator Achraf Remok - Casablanca
Menart Art Fair with Le Cercle & Revie Projects - Paris
Group show "Matières d'être" at Larock Granoff Gallery - Paris
Akaa Art Fair with Revie Projects x Galerie Loft - Paris
"A drawing for Morroco" at Paris Internationale Art Fair - Paris
Group show "Eros Hypnotica" by Artwork in Promess - Paris
Portfolio presentation for Le Cercle de l'Art - Paris
Sculpture for Le Casino de Paris - Paris
In-situ Fresco for La Noceria - Paris
In-situ painting for Merci Paris Apartement - Paris
Group show "If The House Catches Fire" at Chapelle XIV - Paris
RCA graduate show at Cromwell Place - London
Group show by Spring Agency - Paris
Group show "Latence" by Chloé Bonnie More - Paris
Virtual group show "Aora:III" by curator Jennifer Ellis - London
Dentons Art Prize shortlisted - London
RCA WIP show at the Royal College of Arts (RCA) - London
Group show "Snapshot" at Hockney Gallery (RCA) - London
Group show "A starry exhibition" by Artwork in Promess - Paris
Ddessin Paris Art Fair invited by Eve de Medeiros - Paris
Group show "TwentyTwenty Women" by The Artistellar (online) - London
Group show "Rongulaire" at Galerie Tatiss - Lyon
Tate Exchange at Tate Modern, performance on the collective memory subject with Central Saint Martins - London
Group show "Human Manifesto", curated by the Feminist Society at Central Saint Martins - London
Interim show with Central Saint Martins at Apiary Studios - London
Auction "Tresor à la Carte" organized by Watever at Galeries Lafayette Anticipations - Paris
Group show "A Smaller Scale" at Ebony - Cape Town
"En Cas de Pluie" for Atelier Stories with Jeune Création & Réseau Friche - Paris
Group show with Wilo & Grove - Paris
Group show "I live in an art gallery #1" by Atelier Stories - Geneva
Sunday Art Fair, off Frieze with A. Romy - London
Solo Show "Mémoire Vive" with KissmyArt Paris - Paris
Embryonica, open studio at Central Saint Martins - London
Superflat Memory, residency show at Studio Kura - Itoshima
Group show for AB-Kobo launching with limited embroideries on tee-shirts - Paris
Group show "Memories we might have" by HATSH - Paris
Group show "OPEN STUDIOS - Voyage Voyage" - Paris
Duo Show with Gabriel Folli for Private Place Project - Paris
Group Show "Shelves, Hangers, Desks" à la Galerie Le Coeur - Paris
Group Show "Here and now" at Greatmore Studios - Cape Town
Cape Town Art Fair with Greatmore Studios - Cape Town
Solo show "90 Great Days, no More" at Galerie Fatiha Selam - Paris
Residency solo show "90 Great Days, no More" at Greatmore Studios - Cape Town
Group show "Throughlines" at Greatmore Studios - Cape Town
Open Studios at Ateliers Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris (ABA) - Paris
Group show at Artwork in Promess - Paris
Group show at Galerie Daniez et de Charette - Paris
Group show "Garder Le Cap" at Galerie Valerie Delaunay - Paris
2024: Jaal Residency - Marrakech
2022: Clay Ceramic Residency - Marseille
2021: Al Maqam - Marrakech
2021: La Source Garouste - Iturria, Bayonne
2021: Enamoura Residency - Marseille
2019, 2020, 2022, 2023: Massa Stories - South of Agadir
2018: Studio Kura - Fukuoka
2017: Greatmore Studios - Cape Town
2015: La Ira de Dios - Buenos Aires
Ateliers d'Art / Géraldine Pascaud-Rasse / Le Cercle de l'Art, un cadre bienveillant d'émancipation
Financial Times / Lily Le Brun / I want to shatter the image of the bohemian artist
Diptyk / Armand Boua / Que collectionner pendant la 1-54 Marrakech ?
Art News Africa / Catherine Bardi / Looking at our Favourite Booths from 1-54 Marrakech 2024
Artfair Mag / Pauline Loeb / Curator's booth Pick
Artnews / Sarah Belmont / The Best Booths at Marrakech 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair
Femmes du Maroc / Pauline Maisterra / Fibi, Lydia, et toutes les autres
Beaux-Arts Magazine / Inès Boittiaux / Nouveaux Regards
AD Middle East / Aidan Imanova / The Female Gaze
9 lives Magazine / Marie Elizabeth De La Fresnaye / Mettre en place des nouveaux modèles d'émancipation
Les Confettis / Perrine Bonafos / Tisser des liens entre l'art, l'héritage et la communauté
Pratique des Arts / Sara Winckler / La vie des arts au féminin
Beaux-Arts Magazine / Sarah Belmont / 5 étonnantes portraitistes qui manient le fil avec talent
L'officiel des Galeries et Musées / Nadège Besnard-Roussel / Les mémoire ravivées de Margaux Derhy
Visible Media / Olympe Ditner / Encourager et soutenir les jeunes femmes artistes
Artension / Maïlys Celeux-Lanval / Le Cercle de l'Art met en lien artistes femmes et collectionneurs
Maroc 24 / Faouzia Marouf / Margaux Derhy, au fil de la broderie
Marie Claire Maison / Bérangère Perrocheau / Boucle d'Art
Art et Décoration / Caroline Appert / Trois questions à Margaux Derhy
Les Echos Entrepreneurs / Entre art et entrepreneuriat, Margaux Derhy dessin un parcours singulier
Home Magazine / Margaux Steinmyller / Le Cercle de l'Art, pour soutenir les artistes
Les Echos / Charlotte Merlet / Vers un cercle vertueux de l'art
Femmes d’Art / Marie Stéphanie Servos / Femmes d’Art #0, trois questions à Margaux Derhy
Artistik Rezo / Mona Dortindeguey / Le Cercle de l’art, un nouveau modèle
Boum! Bang! / Ariane Serck / La couleur de l'enfance
Quotidien de l’Art / Armelle Malvoisin / Margaux Derhy à Ddessin
Paablo / Grégoire Prangé / What if I can’t remember to remember him ?
Revue Profane #5 / Carine Soyer / Une double vie
Littérature Mineure / Marie-Laure Dagoit / Tiny Book "Mémoire Vive"
Studio Visit / Lorraine Pipart / Episode 42 pour l'exposition Matières d'être
Luxe Radio Maroc / Bouchra El Azhari / Le Journal des Arts
Massa Stories / Tara Benveniste / Massa Stories, la résidence
Chamade / Marie Girardin Lépine / Toute ma vie se situe autour du domaine de la peinture
Innover dans le monde de l'art / Lyse de Quillacq / Le Cercle de l'Art
Generation XX / Siham Jibril / #48 Margaux Derhy, artiste peintre
Le Cercle de l'Art Founder
Le Backpack de l'Artiste Author
Massa Residency Hostess
2019-2021: MA Painting, Royal College of Art (RCA) - London
2018-2019: Postgraduate Diploma Art & Science (Fine Arts), Central Saint Martins - London
2015-2018: Cycle Intensif Glacière des Ateliers Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris (ABA), atelier Gonzalo Belmonte - Paris
Between Paris and Massa, Morocco.
website update, 11.2024.